
Take care over deciding whether or not to bid for tenders, and with the scoping of your offer. Being in the communication loop is an essential part of securing and agreeing the contract.


Some service areas will commission the arts and cultural sector specifically, but many will offer broader commissions and you will need to decide for yourself if it is an area in which you can deliver. We know arts and culture are effective in delivering on a number of different agendas but it is up to you to identify what you can uniquely offer that will meet the needs of the service area and generate the specified outcomes.



Scoping is the process by which commissioners and providers work out the local need and what the providers will deliver for the contract. In Public Health, for example, there will be a local Joint Strategic Needs Analysis, and local Public Health observatories publish a lot of useful and fascinating data, which is sometimes broken down locally.



Once you have submitted your bid your application will undergo an appraisal and you may be invited to an interview or inception meeting. If you are successful you will need to agree the contract, which will involve some dialogue with commissioners. In some cases communication about the specification may have already taken place in the bidding and interview stages.


Commissioners and the procurement team will be setting up market engagement, developing the specification and running the bidding and appraisal process.
